Greg and the kids are so excited about his new wheel barrow. Grants love to get rides in there with Dad.

S'more at Oma and Pop to celebrate the big day.

Grant and Pop having a chat about something really serious. I sure it is about the next time he will come to visit and go to the dump with Pop.

To top off the night. Grant giving his big sis a push on the swing. Oh what a sweet a moment.
I wonder if these comments ever post successfully! Anyway, Penny, you look great with your long hair and tall skinny Pod Bod! And Albert is as handsome a hedgehog as the Kellers have ever seen. And you all look happy and healthy and busy. We're off to Seattle for June & July, but we went to Nanny and Grandpa Cram's Hallmark today for webkinz, and as always we thought of the whole family! xxoo from the Kellers