Monday, October 24, 2011

Week ending 10-23-2011

Lunch lady had to get to work early so Grandma Recker had to take the kids to school.

Lunch at Olive Garden with Mom and Dana.

Having some fun at the mall with winter hats.

The girls watching Dancing with the Stars with Mom - Here they are rating the dances with our homemade score cards.

Rachel and Grant working on some Halloween crafts before the big parties this week.

Once again the Flapping Pages meet for book club. This week they decorated some book bags to put there book club materials in.

Grant with Herky and Grandpa the the I Club Breakfast on Friday morning.

University of Iowa Homecoming Parade.

Grant and his buddy Jace playing some football on the iTouch before the parade.

Here comes Jacob - It was his first time street marching in a parade.

U of I Band - the last entry at the parade.

I got to see my BFF from High School Dawn before the game on Saturday.

I actually got to go to the game - Here I am taking a picture of our old baby-sitter Lisa and her husband Ryan doing some cheerleading stuff in the Alumi section. You looked GREAT Lisa and Ryan - it was so much fun watching you.

I hung out with Jacob at the game while Grant and Greg were on the other side. But we joined them after the half-time show.
This good looking guy that was all decorated in football bling sat right by us. I had to get my picture with him.

Like father like son watching the Hawks beat Indiana.

Then it was home for more Halloween craft prep. Abbie and Rachel were making some mummies for the party.

AND there was a lot of coloring banners too.

We took a break in the craft activities to have a game of football. The HairNets against the LeatherHeads.

Beautiful day for a scooter ride - Grant and I were off to sell Boy Scout popcorn.

Then we had to get one more Hawkeye event in on Saturday so we went to a Volleyball game and the kids got their picture taken with Herky.

The grandkids with Grandma Patti celebrating her birthday.

OH YES - Here is what she got from the kids - Some booty shorts from Rachel - Leg warmers from Abbie and a fun apron from me. So glad she modeled them for us.

Grant attended a Halloween party with Matisse and Jack.

We finished off the weekend with Grant's first popcorn sale to Tim. Thanks Tim and Kay for helping out the little Boy Scout.

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