Monday, April 11, 2011

Week ending 4-10-11

Rachel had her friend Keira over to do some crafts afterschool on Tuesday.
Abbie helping out with one of the Kindergarten classes in art class.
Greg, Rachel and Grandma Recker waiting for Grant's music program to begin.
Grant getting ready to sing.
Grant doing his part for the music program.
Brownie meeting this week - Here they are with their "ears" they made to hear better.
Rachel got to tickle the piano keys downtown Iowa City on Friday night.
Night playing by the library downtown on Friday night.
Greg, Rachel and Grant found a new place to explore with a bog.
Jacob and I doing some teamwork on cleaning out the garage this weekend.
New attire to wear while you are cooking in the kitchen.
Morning jump in the trampoline with PJ's on.
Sunday afternoon fun. Grant and Rachel with the sprinkler underneath the trampoline and Jacob and Greg getting the garden ready to plant.
Rachel doing some racking in the garden.
Rachel and Greg planting some lettuce seeds.

1 comment:

  1. whooohhh grant i always wanted to know how to play the xylophone (if that is even what it is called) so cool buddy! And Jacob you and Penny tackling the garage nice team work! I have to say the trampoline pics are great, Grant looks like he's flying. Good luck with the Garden guys!
