Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday Party Fun

Here the pictures of my BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!! Thanks to all that made it for the big night. It was a blast.

Dana and I getting ready to have some fun at the party. Thanks for coming early Danaman to help get the house ready.

The best husband IN THE WORLD to help with my party.

Me getting some love from my big brother Bob. Thanks for making me my birthday drink Bob.

The bestest white russians in town made by my big brother Bob.

Gotta love owl bling - thanks everyone for the gifts - I love them ALL.

Hairnets for everyone. Me hanging out with my old Aegon ladies - Erika and Kelly.

Best party picture - Scooter - Owl Pinata and my party hat. Doesn't get any better than that.

Fun time with Scot in his Mini Cooper - Thanks goodness for moon roofs with folks wearing silly hats. Thanks for the ride Scoty.

Time to sing Happy Birthday to me with some cupcake cake pops.

Some of the cool decorations my friend Laura made for my party.

Thanks again Laura for making my cool signs for my big day. Your the BEST!!!

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