Sunday, January 1, 2012

Podhajsky Christmas

                                                   The grandkids with Oma and Pop.
                                       All that were at Podhajsky Christmas this year. 
                            Thanks Uncle Tim - Grant had a great Christmas of Raiders stuff.
                            All the kids got snuggies.  Now nobody should be cold anymore in our house.
                  Abbie letting Pop try out her Skull Candy headphones to his favorite song.  He was doing some great couch dancing.

1 comment:

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! looks like so so so much fun. I so wish i was there instead of design houses, but have to put intime now so i hope i can come play next year. xoxoxoxo Miss all of you so much. I still can't get over how grown up everyone is! Wow! xoxoxoxoxo
